Welcome to Mill Lane Primary School

This website aims to answer any questions you may have about how our school is organised and to help you understand more about Mill Lane School. As a school we look forward to sharing an important period of your child’s life with you. We want you and your child to feel welcome and valued as important members of our school community.

Mill Lane is very proud to be part of BBEST. We work closely with twenty other schools in the local area to provide the best possible support to each other, our children and their families. Please take time to visit our BBEST website : www.bbesthub.uk

Christine Barlow

Opening Hours 

8:50am- doors open

9:00am-school starts 

3:30pm-school ends 

We are open 32.5 hours per week.




Staff and Governors will provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding that will prepare them to play a full and active part in society; for all children to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged and to promote the long-term development and success of all. We will achieve our vision by "learning through hard work, friendship and fun".


The ethos of a school describes the culture or spirit of a school. At Mill Lane we worked on our ethos with all the children and arrived at "Learning through hard work, friendship and fun". This is what we do at Mill Lane - we all work hard but we do it with our friends and we try to have as much fun as possible


Our school is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse.



Following our Ofsted Inspection in July 2024, we were judged as 'good'.  

For further information please click below.



Ms Barlow

Mill Lane Primary School
Mill Lane
West Yorkshire
WF17 6EG

01924 477544
